PROSALE allows you the opportunity to track expenses that you want to associate with a specific client sale. You also have the ability to specify what percentage of each expense is paid by your company and what percentage of each expense that is paid by your client.
Follow the steps below to generate the finalization worksheet.
1. Select the client sale that you are interested in from the main dashboard.
2. From the sale dashboard, select the "Expenses" tab. Here you can add or edit an expense.
Input the name of the expense along with the price per unit and the number of units by entering a quantity. You can input the percentage of this expense that will be paid by your company as well as the percentage of this expense that will be paid by your client. Then select if you want this expense to be visible to your client on the finalization worksheet by enabling or disabling the visibility flag. Finally, you can "Save and Close" which will enter the expense and close the window, or you can "Save and Add Receipt". The "Save and Add Receipt" option allows you to save an image or pdf copy of the receipt for future reference. This can be accessed at any time in the future.
These expenses will appear on the finalization worksheet which will allow you to quickly and easily close out a sale with your client.
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